Our Work

Many of our clients have been so pleased with the ways their homes have turned out that they've generously offered to let us photograph and show them here on our Website. One thing we've learned through working with so many wonderful people is that each an every one of them are different. Some have clear, precise visions of their rooms or homes and know exactly what they want in furniture, lighting and accessories. But many others (most, in fact) don't have such clear visions and confidence and will only know what they love "when I see it." 

So remember, as you browse through the photos of these beautiful rooms, remember that each client took advantage of our help to varying degrees. Some relied heavily on us to help them choose the right pieces and put them together to create the perfect ambiance. Others knew exactly what they wanted and relied on us only to provide them a selection and quality of pieces they hadn't been able to find anywhere else. We're very proud to say that with both, the results have been fairly spectacular. We hope you agree.

MAFFIE HOME – Prescott, Arizona

PINE CANYON MODEL HOME – Flagstaff, Arizona